Annabella Frazier

Annabella leads as a committed community volunteer, promoting anti-bullying and supporting those in need. She actively participates in Sources of Strength, cross country, volleyball, and the BRAVE anti-bullying program. She promotes anti-bullying through presentations, book readings, and has sent over 65 packages with positive messages to all 50 states. Annabella organized and donated more than 50 backpacks filled with school supplies to foster care. Passionate about addressing bullying, encouraging volunteerism, and inspiring positive change, she regularly bakes for the local Food Bank and Bread Line, always finding new ways to make a difference in her community.
  • Home Town Fairbanks
  • School District North Star
  • Award Category Humanitarian, Role Model

Bailee Olson

Bailee teaches and models Yupik dance to youth and community members, leading performances at most community events. She fishes and preserves salmon in the summer, hunts moose and Spruce hens, and gathers plants and berries. Bailee shares her harvests generously with Elders, family, and the community. In 2023, she represented Bristol Bay at the Elders and Youth Conference. She works to preserve traditional Yupik dance and subsistence living, passing on vital knowledge. Her efforts help her community stay connected to their culture and access essential resources.
  • Home Town Dillingham
  • School District Dillingham City School District
  • Award Category Humanitarian, Role Model

Isabella Gunther-Chavez

Those that know Bella can attest to her kind heart and caring nature. She lifts others up with a kind words, a helping hand, or by simply being a good listener and confidant. At South Anchorage High School, Bella has continued to serve as a student leader. She served as Freshman Class Vice President last year and was elected to serve as Commissioner of Community Service her Sophomore year. Bella was also elected to serve as a representative to a the Anchorage School District Student Advisory Board last year and this year she is serving on the Executive Board as the Public Relations Officer. Most recently Bella was asked to serve as a Youth Ambassador for the Equal Rights Commission.

  • Home Town Anchorage
  • School District Anchorage School District
  • Award Category Role Model

Sarah Kim

Sarah Kim is the founder and facilitator of Music for Hearts, an organization that brings musically devout teens together to play instruments and sing at senior care centers and facilities. She is first year member of the Youth Alliance for a Healthier Alaska, where she engages full-heartedly with kindness and compassion and everything that she does. Her thoughtful guidance and tireless support of youth mental health in Alaska inspired her to invest her passion back into the community.

  • Home Town Anchorage
  • School District Anchorage
  • Award Category Humanitarian