October 9, 2020

Spirit of Youth is offering five grants of up to $4,500 to organizations in Anchorage to promote youth connection and engagement. Priority will be given to youth led initiatives within the 12-24 year old age range.

The Youth Connection and Engagement Grants are specifically intended to support youth led projects that meet the following goals:

  • Mattering – Youth’s perception they are respected, trusted, supported, valued by others, and able to make a difference in their community.
  • Connection and engagement – Community connection is correlated with decreases in youth risk behaviors that negatively impact learning and wellness.
  • Youth/adult connection – Youth–adult connectedness is foundational for adolescent health and wellbeing and an active ingredient of effective interventions serving vulnerable youth.
  • Promote respect and inclusion.
  • Promote the use of the Careline (More info about Careline at http://carelinealaska.com). 


The deadline is October 30. Apply here. Read the grant guide here.